
Monday, March 15, 2010

Dji Sam Soe Legenda Rokok Indonesia

RUMAH kuno itu tak lagi berpenghuni. Pagarnya tertutup seng. Ketika didatangi Tempo tiga pekan lalu, tampak empat petugas bergantian menjaga rumah. Di rumah inilah Liem Seeng Tee, pendiri HM Sampoerna, mengawali sejarah pada 1927.
Beralamat di Jalan Ngaglik, Surabaya, rumah ini—selain menjadi tempat tinggal—dulunya berfungsi sebagai gudang tembakau dan pabrik rokok. Selama lima tahun Seeng Tee menguji berbagai campuran rempah dan cengkeh di rumah ini. Dji Sam Soe salah satu produknya. Dari rumah ini pula Dji Sam Soe mulai diproduksi secara masif.

Formula rokok ini dibuat 15 tahun sebelumnya, saat Seeng Tee masih bekerja di pabrik rokok kecil di Lamongan. Tugasnya kala itu meracik dan melinting rokok. Belakangan, racikannya menjadi cikal-bakal formula Dji Sam Soe.
Penghasilannya di pabrik ditabung untuk menyewa warung di Jalan Cantian Pojok—kini Jalan Pabean Cantian, Surabaya. Berukuran empat meter persegi, beratap ilalang dan bertiang bambu, warung tanpa dinding ini menjual aneka makanan dan minuman. Replika warung itu kini dapat dilihat di House of Sampoerna di Jalan Taman Sampoerna, Surabaya.

Hidup Seeng Tee tidak cuma bersandar dari warung. Ia dan istrinya, Tjiang Nio, mencampurkan rempah-rempah, seperti cokelat, vanili, pala, kayu manis, dan cengkeh, ke dalam tembakau. Campuran ini dilinting dengan tangan menjadi rokok.

Berbekal sepeda onthel, pria kelahiran Provinsi Hokkian, Cina daratan, itu berkeliling Surabaya berjualan rokok. Oleh Tjiang Nio, perempuan yang dinikahinya pada 1912, uang hasil usaha itu disimpan di dalam tiang bambu penyanggarumah. Sebagian tabungan digunakan kembali untuk membeli tembakau. Agar usahanya berkibar, Seeng Tee membentuk badan hukum Handel Maatschappij Liem Seeng Tee pada 1913. Nama ini kemudian menjadiPT Handel Maatschappij Sampoerna— setelah perang kemerdekaan usai, namanya berubah menjadi PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna.
Pemilihan kata Sampoerna, kata Elvira Lianita, Manajer External Communication PT HM Sampoerna, memiliki dua makna. Kata itu merupakan ejaan dari kata ”sempurna”. Kedua, kata ”sampoerna” berjumlah sembilan huruf. ”OrangCina percaya sembilan merupakan angka keberuntungan,” katanya.Kemasan Dji Sam Soe memang sarat dengan angka sembilan. Berasal dari bahasa Hokkian, Dji Sam Soe berarti dua, tiga, dan empat. Bila dijumlahkan, hasilnya sembilan. Logo kemasan berupa sembilan bintang.
DARI Ngaglik, Seeng Tee pindah ke kawasan Jembatan Merah pada 1932. Ia membeli bangunan milik Jongens Weezen Inrichting, yayasan panti asuhan milik pemerintah kolonial Belanda. Di atas lahan 1,5 hektare, pabrik sekaligus tempat tinggal dibangun pada 1864. Sejak enam tahun lalu, gedung itu berfungsi sebagai Museum House of Sampoerna.
Sejak itu, usaha Seeng Tee makin moncer. Dengan 1.300 karyawan, produksi pada 1940 menembus 3 juta batang per minggu. Menurut Hermawan Kartajaya, Yuswohady, dan Sumardy dalam buku 4-G Marketing: A 90-year Journey of Creating Everlasting Brands, Dji Sam Soe bahkan pernah menjadi ”mata uang” pedagang masa itu karena nilainya lebih stabil ketimbang mata uang resmi. Permintaannya membeludak. Agen harus menunggu dua-tiga minggu untuk memperoleh pesanan.
Usaha rokok Seeng Tee berantakan setelah Jepang masuk pada 1942. Ia ditahan dan menjalani kerja paksa di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah. Pabriknya digunakan buat memproduksi rokok merek Fuji untuk tentara Jepang. Beruntung, seluruh keluarganya selamat dalam persembunyian. Seusai perang, pabrik dalam kondisi porakporanda. Harta keluarga dan perusahaan dirampas Jepang. Satu-satunya aset cuma merek dagang Dji Sam Soe. Seeng Tee berusaha menata kembali usahanya. Berkat merek ini, mitra bisnis Seeng Tee kembali berdatangan. Mereka menyuplai cengkeh, tembakau, dan bahan baku lain.
Perlahan-lahan Dji Sam Soe kembali berkibar. Pada 1949, pabrik sudah pulih seperti semula. Situasi ini cuma berlangsung hingga 1956. Setelah Seeng Tee meninggal pada tahun itu, Sampoerna jeblok. Mesin pelinting tidak beroperasi. Pekerja tidak mencapai 150 orang. Tiga tahun kemudian, pabrik ditutup karena paili
RODA bisnis keluarga Sampoerna kembali bergerak setelah Liem Swie Hwa, putra tertua Seeng Tee, meminta adiknya, Liem Swie Ling—yang telah membuka perusahaan rokok merek Penamas di Bali—memindahkan perusahaan rokoknya ke Malang pada 1965. Di tengah kuatnya arus rokok putih di pasar, Swie Ling berkonsentrasi membesarkan kembali Dji Sam Soe.
Swie Ling alias Aga Sampoerna memulai dari nol: membeli tembakau secara tunai, menjual rokok dengan tunai, dan membangun perusahaan berdasarkan arus kas harian. Nama besar Dji Sam Soe menjadi penyelamat. Agen kembali berdatangan.

Dalam 12 tahun, pabrik kian berkembang. Karyawan lebih dari 1.200, dengan produksi 1,3 juta batang rokok per hari. Ia berpedoman tidak boleh ada rokok menginap di pabrik meski sebagai persediaan. Produksi hari itu harus dijual hari itu juga. Hasilnya, Dji Sam Soe untung US$ 200 ribu per bulan.
Pada 1977, Aga mulai melibatkan Putera Sampoerna, anak bungsunya. Salah satu terobosan Putera adalah meniadakan agen dari rantai distribusi. Ia membuat fasilitas produksi terpadu seluas 153 hektare di Sukorejo, Jawa Timur, dan membeli tembakau langsung dari petani. Ia juga mengubah usaha menjadi perusahaan terbuka. Hasilnya, penjualan Dji Sam Soe meroket dari 21 juta batang per minggu pada 1980 menjadi 64 juta batang per minggu pada 1991. Pada 2000, penjualan Dji Sam Soe menembus 18,9 miliar batang per tahun. ”Merek ini tulang punggung perusahaan,” kata Eka Darmajanto Kasih, orang dekat keluarga Sampoerna.
Kunci keberhasilan penjualan, kata Eka, terletak pada konsistensi perusahaan dalam mengkomunikasikan kualitas merek ke pelanggan.
Alhasil, citra yang tertancap di pelanggan selalu sama. ”Ini menciptakan loyalitas konsumen,” kata bekas Chief Financial Officer HM Sampoerna itu. Tradisi angka sembilan juga dipertahankan. Mobil Rolls-Royce milik Aga, misalnya, berpelat nomor SL-234. Semua mobil pabrik di Sukorejo dan Rungkut memakai pelat nomor yang bila dijumlahkan hasilnya sembilan. Luas tanah di pabrik Sukorejo hasilnya sembilan. Penjumlahan saham Sampoerna ke publik juga sembilan.
Empat tahun lalu, saat berada di puncak, Putera melepas 40 persen saham HM Sampoerna—induk Dji Sam Soe—ke Philip Morris. Kapitalisasi pasarnya ketika itu US$ 5 miliar. Perusahaan Amerika Serikat yang terkenal dengan merek Marlboro itu merogoh kocek US$ 2 miliar.
”Tak cuma membeli saham, Philip juga membeli merek dan budaya perusahaan,” kata (almarhum) Anky Camaro, bekas Presiden Komisaris HM Sampoerna, ketika itu.

Sumber WWW. Tempo Interaktif.COM

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Aroma Coffe “The Ancient Fabriek From Paris Van Java”

Aromanja dan rasanja tinggal tetep, kaloe ini koffie soeda di boeka dari kantongnja harep dipindahken di stopfles atawa di blik jang tertoetoep rapet. Djangan tinggal di kanto
. TEXT with the old spelling in brown paper wrapper, which is packaged Koffie Fabriek Aroma, not just advice for anyone who bought a coffee powder smell the coffee factory output in the Road Banceuy No. 51 Bandun The inscription on the wrapper is also already a part of the trademark. Like the warning on the drug in the packaging box, the manufacturer will remind the buyer through the text.

Which is also worth considering is the direct advice of Widyapratama (58), which is often addressed as Mr. Widya, the sole heir Koffie Fabriek Aroma of Tan Houw Sian, his father. "Come over here (Fabriek Aroma) during the morning where the shop has not hindered auto parts sellers," said Mr. Widya It is true, there is something else when we arrived early before the sellers parts Banceuy vehicles filled the streets. . Although the new Koffie Fabriek Aroma officially opened at 6:00 pm, but when we took time to come one hour earlier (at 5:00 pm), the nose will be greeted us was the smell of fragrant coffee.

 In addition to coffee served with fragrant odor, while waiting for sunrise and bustle Road Banceuy start creating, we are able to enjoy the whole building Koffie Fabriek Aroma Art Deco style. "The building was built in the 1930s, until now no iota of change," said Mr. Widya with pride. Is a joy and a blessing in itself, if by chance we met with Mr. Widya directly when buying coffee aroma or just look around and smell the coffee Koffie Fabriek Aroma.Yes, we'll get a lot of knowledge from Mr. Widya. Not just about coffee, but also advice and counsel to treat coffee as well as matters pertaining to life.
Among the suggestions conveyed his passion Mr. Widya is dealing with injuries Robusta coffee sprinkled into the wound. "It will dry quickly and has been tested. There are no side effects at a later date, which occurred even ulcers or sore so dry and fast recovery, "he said with a hand picked coffee beans demonstrates how to sow. Another suggestion is to treat the coffee when mixed with milk. “"Do not drink coffee mixed with milk, if you must drink milk mixed with coffee, because it will lose flavor and aroma of coffee," said Mr. Widya that confuse some participants Java Jive Walk held Bandung Trails, last weekend. . Yes, down the history of coffee in the city of Bandung can not escape the presence Koffie Fabriek Aroma pioneered Tan Houw Sian, Mr. Widya the father since the 1930s. Factory activity held on the land as it was 1300 square meters, starting from the warehouse, drying, processing of coffee beans, until the sale of products (shop).
 Therefore, if was in the city of Bandung, force yourself to wake up early. Come in the morning when the sun rose slowly round and showing off its rays outward appearance in the sky east of the city's development. Mr. Widya will be happy to be a guide, took us to adventure to places we never imagined before.
. Before entering the main building which is used as coffee processing plant, we will advance past the fenced glass breaking machine and a jar of coffee beans of the coffee cups and scales. . From the door to the main part of the building that is open, you'll see three old bicycles hanging on the wall above.
I "That's part of the estate of my father (Tan Houw Sian, ed), I want to someday my kids always remember that the factory was started with an old bicycle in his day, with sweat from his grandfather," said Mr. Widya.
 Once inside, our view will immediately drawn to the brand of coffee-processing machine "Probat" made in Germany made in 1936. Before having his own factory, in the 1920s, Tan Houw Sian became a factory worker in Holland's coffee. Wages from the day's work continues so that he could ditabunya pioneering coffee factory in 1930 and bought their own coffee processing machinery.
 Before you get information about how to enable Probat machines, Mr. Widya will explain about the type of coffee and coffee age. Kopi yang berusia lebih muda akan terlihat putih ke kuning-kuningan. Coffee younger will look white to yellow-brass. Robusta coffee slightly flattened shape, while arabica slightly rounded.
Having introduced the types of coffee, Mr. Widya shows how the processing engine stove (cooking) 78-year-old who uses wood fuel rubber trees. “"In addition to environmentally friendly because the smoke was not thick and irritating the eyes, the rubber tree also does not affect the smell and taste of coffee," said Mr. Widya when asked about the reasons for the use of rubber trees as firewood.
 This rubber tree wood also produces a low temperature and go to add special smell of coffee. . Once roasted within 1 hour, coffee beans that have been cooked and then sifted to removed the rest of his skin, then selected seed really good. From 200 kg of coffee it will produce only 160 kg because of the depreciation of coffee content. . Having chosen a good seed, coffee beans back ground and sifted and packed according to buyer demand.
“ "Coffee beans freshly ground can hold up to three months.. if you live in the area around Bandung, I suggest to buy the little packets of it, so I can be fresh coffee freshly ground, "said Mr. Widya
In the barn was a pile of burlap sacks of coffee beans robusta and arabica, the pile of sacks of coffee starting from one meter below the floor to the roof."I do not remember how much all coffee stored in this warehouse," said Mr. Widya accompanied by laughter that always accompanies each guyonnya.
 Coffee beans that go into the barn Koffie Fabriek Aroma, not directly processed as many coffee factory. . Both types of robusta and arabica, will be stored in advance for eight years before the roasted and ground. It is said that during the time that's best for storage of coffee.
. This is an aging process to establish the coffee flavor. ;The longer the period of storage of coffee beans, the lower the levels of caffeine. Result, the stomach was bloated and no sour taste left in the throat. . Acid levels in the coffee went down to only 2% -3% only. T Tradition Tan Houw Sian derivative is held by Widya until today. Two times a year, Widya visit coffee plantations and fruit to choose their own coffee in the coffee plantation area of each 5 hectares located in Aceh, Medan, Toraja, Jember, and Timor. It was also the father had done.

. Having obtained the best coffee, the coffee is dried in the sun for seven hours. . After that, stored in gunny-colored (not a plastic bag) and maintained the level of dryness.

 If you want the coffee to make your stay to stay awake and work (literacy), Mr. Widya will make  robusta coffee is 2 years old. However, if you want coffee lighter Robusta, will diracikkan coffee 8-year-old.
Well, when I'm happy and want to just taste the coffee, I chose which is mokka arabica arabica coffee blend from Aceh, Medan, Toraja, Jember, and Timor. So feel free to ask, "said Mr. Widya

Coffee Types

Coffee Types
Coffee varieties refer to the subspecies of coffee. Coffee beans from two different places usually have a different character, both from the smell (from the smell earthy orange), contain caffeine, flavor and acidity. These characteristics depend on where the coffee plants to grow, production processes and sub-species genetic differences coffee.
 arabica coffee varieties
Coffee from the species Coffea arabica has a rich taste than Coffea robusta. arabica has many varieties. Each variety has unique characteristic ,Some popular varieties include:
• . Coffee Colombia (Colombian coffee) - was first introduced in Colombia in early 1800. Currently cultivars Maragogype, Caturra, Typica and Bourbon planted in this country. If direct fried, Colombian coffee has a taste and strong aroma. Colombia is the second largest coffee producer in the world after Brazil. Approximately 12% of the world's coffee is produced in this country
• . Colombian Milds - this includes coffee varieties from Colombia, Kenya and Tanzania. Everything is kind of arabica coffee that has been washed,Coffee beans are not fried from the varieties C. arabica arabica
• Costa Rican Tarrazu - from (en) "San Marcos de Tarrazu valley" in the mountains outside of San José, Costa Rica.
• . Guatemala Huehuetenango - Grown at an altitude of 5000 feet in northern Guatemala.
• Ethiopia Ethiopian Harrar - from Harar, Ethiopia
• Ethiopian Yirgacheffe - from the area in the city Yirga Cheffe in the province of Sidamo (Oromia) in Ethiopia.
• . Hawaiian Kona coffee - grown in the foothills Hualalai in the district Kona in Hawaii. . Coffee was first introduced to the Islands by Chief Boki. Ia adalah gubernur Oahu pada tahun 1825. of Oahu in 1825.
• . Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee - from the Blue Mountains in Jamaica. Coffee is a high price because kepopulerannnya.
• Coffee Java (Java coffee) - from the island of Java in Indonesia. Coffee is so famous that the name of Java became a slang term for coffee.
• Kenyan - Known among acid and flavor.
• Mexico - Produces hard bean coffee.
• Mocha - Coffee from Yemen was formerly traded on the port of Mocha in Yemen. . Do not be confused with how to serve coffee with chocolate.
• Santos - from Brasilia. Has a low acidity level.
• Sumatra Mandheling and Sumatra Lintong - Mandheling is called by tribal Batak Mandailing in northern Sumatra in Indonesia. Coffee Lintong called by the name of the place Lintong in northern Sumatra. While Gayo coffee from the Gayo Highlands - Gayo is the Native name in Aceh - which include Regency Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah.. Coffee Gayo mentioned as the best organic coffee in the world.
• Sulawesi Toraja Kalosi - Grown in the high mountain areas in Sulawesi. Kalosi is a small town in Sulawesi, which is a collection of coffee from the surrounding area. Toraja is the mountainous region of Sulawesi where the coffee is grown. Celebes exhibits a rich, well-balanced acidity (slightly more than Sumatra) and has a multidimensional character. Coffee is suitable for darker roasting. Because the production process, this coffee can dry irregularly. Yet the seeds of this irregular shape can enrich it.
• Tanzania Peaberry - grown on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. "Peaberry" means that the coffee beans is only one in each fruit. Not the usual two in one fruit. This usually grows naturally in 10% of the coffee harvest.
• Uganda - Though most of the Robusta coffee producers. Ada juga kopi arabika berkualitas yang dikenal sebagai Bugishu . There is also a quality arabica coffee known as Bugishu.
• Luwak Cofee one of the Arabica coffee varieties that have been eaten by a mongoose and then collected and processed. Taste and aroma of this coffee be distinctive and most expensive coffee in the world.
Coffee beans are blended to balance flavor and aroma complexity. One of the oldest traditional mix is Mocha-Java, consisting of the same coffee bean names. . Typical chocolate is compatible with Cafe mocha, which are blended coffee drinks with chocolate. We have a mixture of regular Mocha-Java mixed with other varieties to create a unique characteristic. Many coffee companies that have their own mixture.
Some coffee beans are very popular and therefore have a more expensive price than other coffee beans. Jamaican Blue Mountain and Hawaiian Kona is probably a good example. These coffee beans are often mixed with other beans that is not how expensive, and with it a mixture is called a blend (such as "Blue Mountain blend" or "Kona blend"), but only slightly from the type of coffee beans were use
 robusta coffee varieties
aOne of the Robusta coffee varieties are famous Luwak coffee from Indonesia and the Philippines Alamid spatula. These coffee beans collected from civet mongoose. This coffee has a distinctive taste.